Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The ebonics Dialect Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The ebonics Dialect - Research Paper Example language has a characteristic development direction isn't right, yet that somewhat, the manner in which language develops is constrained by people instead of language developing all alone. As Wilson (89) says, the manner in which individuals connect certain implications to different words and expressions is the thing that gives language meaning. Orwell is probably going to have an alternate perspective on the utilization of the N word from Wallace. To begin with, comprehend that the N word has developed in the course of the most recent couple of decades. From the harsh word Negro, the ebonic word Nigga has been determined, particularly among the African American people group. Dissimilar to the critical idea of the word from which the Nigga is utilized, the word Nigga is utilized as an expression of regard in among the African American people group. Orwell would concur with this sort of language move and might be welcome the way that this sort of advancement is vital for the development of language. Be that as it may, an individual like Wallace would have reservation against the utilization of this word and consider this to be a negative change from the necessities of language. Wallace confesses to being a language geek, the caring who hopes to ensure that each standard has been watched. In such manner, he would in all likelihood item to the N word, either as Nigga, or Negro. This is on the grounds that the word Nigga could be seen by a sentence structure master as a casual word while Negro is viewed as hostile and harsh (Ernest 145). Thus, for an individual like Wallace, he would presumably have an issue with the utilization of this world. Orwell then again appears to have an alternate perspective on the guidelines of language. He contends that the manner in which individuals adjust language prompts the manner in which language happens in governmental issues, and afterward the political influences the manner in which individuals change language. In such manner, he is well on the way to welcome the way that language develops in such manners that keep up ancient guidelines of punctuation may nor be important nor possible. As an English instructor, Curzan discusses training language and syntax rules. She begins her
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Dynamics between Human Activity and Nature during the Twentieth Essay
Elements between Human Activity and Nature during the Twentieth Century - Essay Example Amazon through Bezos had an objective on client utility amplification with a point of giving each item inside the letters in order. Amazon launched business in July 1995 exchanging its first book through, the book sold was Fluids ideas and imaginative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanism of Thought by Douglas Hofstadter. Amazon experienced further extension in Delaware in the year 1996. On fifteenth May 1997, Amazon offered its first sale of stock of offers, working together under NASDAQ stock trade with their image being AMZN. The offers were exchanged at a cost of US$ 18 for every offer. The firm had a special starting marketable strategy whereby they didn't hope to procure any increases for initial four to five years. The firm has various sites for different nations around the globe (Bryers, 2009). Then again, Border Books was started in 1971 under the watch of siblings Tom and Louis Borders in Ann Arbor, Michigan while they were attempted their under grad and graduate projects at the University of Michigan. Later in 1976, a complimentary organization known as Book Inventory System was framed to go about as a distributer for Borders Books. It was additionally planned for giving custom stock framework to local free book shops which included: John Rollins, Thackeray’s, Schuler Books and Joseph-Beth Booksellers. In an offer to accomplish extension in the organization, Robert F. Diromualdo once leader of Hickory Farms was welcomed ready. The underlying Borders bookshop was arranged in two rooms over 209 State Street, north of the state theater. Their underlying stock for the most part included a mix of trade-in books. Later on the siblings moved to Maynard House high rise which is in the southwest corner of William and Maynard Streets. They later on bought out the stock a multi year old book shop known as Wahr’s which was shutting down at 316 South State. Wahr’s significantly exchanged reading material and school supplies which was unique in relation to the brothers’ specialization. The siblings from there on migrated the retail bookshop to previous Wagner and child men’s garments store which saw the business grow to enormous scope. Tom Frick was alloted to deal with the old shop which had by then been renamed Charing Cross Bookshop (Thompson, 2009). In 1992, Kmart accomplished the responsibility for which by then had claimed a multi year old book chain known as Waldenbooks since 1984. Kmart blended the two organizations naming it Borders-Walden Group. The merger was planned for having the accomplished senior administration from Borders help rescue Waldenbooks which was tumbling. Anyway this didn't function as a large portion of the Borders senior administration selected to leave the organization. Before the finish of the annum Kmart renamed the organization as Borders Group. Singapore turned into the primary state where the organization built up a worldwide store; this occurr ed in the year 1997. The organization proceeded to additionally set up other 41 worldwide stores in United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. Fringes (UK) Ltd. was begun in 1998 as part of Borders Group. It developed to get one of the significant book shops in UK however was later sold out to a private financial specialist in 2007 because of solid rivalry in showcase. The Singapore store was announced the best performing among
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
5 Signs You Need to Marry Your Girlfriend
5 Signs You Need to Marry Your Girlfriend More in Relationships Spouses & Partners Marital Problems LGBTQ Violence and Abuse If you are dating with marriage in mind, it is important to look for qualities that would make a woman a good wife. You want to look for certain characteristics that will benefit your relationship in the long term. Search past the physical attributes you find very attractive and your undeniable chemistry. Not every woman would make a good spouse (or a good spouse for you). 5 Signs That Your Girlfriend Will Be a Great Wife If you want to get married, its important to look for qualities that show that the woman you are dating is capable of being alone, strong, and responsible. Of course, you will also need to play your part and have these qualities yourself. 1. She Is Independent An independent woman will not rely on you to take care of her or keep her happy and occupied. An independent woman wants you rather than needs you. She wont be clingy or demanding of your time. Someone who requires constant attention and reassurance could make marriage more difficult. An independent woman is strong, confident, and not afraid to be alone. Understand that interdependency is healthy.?? Ideally, each spouse can fully function on their own. But they also know how to reach for each other when they need emotional support. 2. She Is Level-Headed Look for a woman who remains reasonably calm in stressful situationsâ€"someone who is not frustrated by every minor issue. This does not mean she will never get upset, but she has the strength and maturity to manage her emotions.?? You should also feel that she is a good resource for times when you might be under stress. You can count on her abilities, intelligence, and advice when you can’t count on your own. 3. Shes Low-Maintenance Being low-maintenance doesnt mean a woman doesnt care about herself or her appearance at all. But she wont spend hours getting ready for a date. A low-maintenance woman wont need constant reminders that you love the way she looks. She takes pride in the way she looks without going overboard. A high-maintenance woman may not be with you through thick and thin.?? What happens if you can’t maintain her lifestyle? She may be more concerned with style than substance. 4. She Supports Your Goals A woman who supports your personal and career goals understands that not everything in your marriage will be about her, or even about you as a couple.?? You both will have individual goals, and she will be by your side cheering you in your efforts. She wont feel threatened by the time and energy you put into achieving your goals because she will have her own. Its important that your individual goals and your partners complement each other. While they certainly dont need to be the same, they should not be so divergent as to cause a rift between you. 5. She Stands Up for Herself Whether she is standing up to you, a family member, or a friend, you want a woman who will not let people treat her badly. If she accepts poor treatment from you or others, eventually you may lose respect for her. A woman who stands up for herself has confidence in herself and will not let anyone bully her, talk down to her, or act as though her opinions dont matter. Dont Expect Your Spouse to Make You Whole
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Geography Of Breakfast Food - 966 Words
Jaden Cody Minor 26 August 2014 AP Human Geography The Geography of Breakfast Food Essay A. Q:Where and how is the breakfast item produced? A:Coffee is mainly produced on five out of seven continents on coffee plantations. 1. Coffee is one of the most common breakfast items found on any table in the morning and now sold all throughout the day. Coffee is grown and exported from places like Columbia and the Asian Pacific, to anywhere like Hawaii and the biggest producer, Brazil. 1/3 of the world s coffee supply comes from Brazil, because of the nations tropical climate it is able to grow coffee very easily and plentiful. Brazil had many other types of climates but the hot and tropical one is great for the production of coffee. 2. Most successful companies like Starbucks have started programs to oversee and make sure their farmers are treated well. C.A.F.E.( Starbucks program) is Coffee and Farmer Equality this program ensures the farmers safety and the quality if the product. This program has shown to boost productivity between the company and the grower and between the workers and the owners of the plantations. Even though this program is in place the workers are still paid poorly. An expert picket can collect about 6-7 baskets of coffee berries a day, yet they are paid very little. 71% of farms in Brazil are less than 10 lectares, 25% of them are less than 50 lectares and 4% are more than 50 lectares.* 3. The common irrigation system used on CoffeeShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Kentucky Fried Chickens Cross-Cultural Marketing Strategies1273 Words  | 6 Pagesstrategies accordingly. In cross-cultural marketing, the famous American chain of fast food restaurants - Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) has made great success in China doubtlessly, after entering the Chinese market in 1986. 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Also the flag of the Dominican Republic is the only national flag in the world to feature the image of a bible. My country is the Dominican Republic. I learned about the culture, food, religion, imports and exports, geography, sports, and family. All of it was very eye opening. Geography The geography is pretty much theRead MoreGuatemal Guatemala And Mexico1370 Words  | 6 PagesCaribbean Sea by the Gulf of Honduras. Guatemala contains a prevalent lake in Izabal that spreads out about 226 square miles with tropical rain forests. This region is located in the west of the country, receiving about 210 inches of rain per year. (Geography of Guatemala) In the region of Petà ©n, there is a limestone plateau that lies in the northern area and consumes about one-third of the country. Petà ©n region is an undeveloped area covered largely by jungle and flat grassland. 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Breakfast is usually heavy, with lunch usually lasting less than an hour, and dinner not being served in most restaurants until after 1800. The food they typically eat is very similar to what â€Å"western p eople†are used to which includes having beer or wine with dinner. Increased nutritional awarenessRead MoreMexico : A Beautiful Beaches Essay1377 Words  | 6 PagesMexico is known for its beautiful beaches. Many tourist travel to Cabo San Lucas where many of the most famous beaches are located. However there is a lot more interesting features about this country that is unknown to many, such as Mexico’s geography, the many cultures that reside within the country, the political aspect of Mexico and what the future for Mexico will look like. Mexico is the northern region on the American continent between Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean. Mexico is bordered
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
A Moveable Feast By Ernest Hemingway - 1420 Words
While reading A Moveable Feast, I felt immersed into Ernest Hemingway’s world and developed a better understanding of him with a human experience. This novel provides an inside look on both, Hemingway’s time in Paris in the 1920s and the time at the end of his life leading up to his premature death. If one is familiar with his life, and especially his later years, A Moveable Feast gives insight into his life at the time of writing his memoir. The text itself is about Paris, but the reflection comes from an older Hemingway who was sentimental, longing and nostalgic. Regardless of the comments from family, friends and academics, interpreting the text itself in A Moveable Feast is the best way to learn about Hemingway and his mindset during the late 1950s and early 1960s. Unlike many great books, there are two versions of A Moveable Feast which were released by individuals separated by two generations. First, there is the 1964 version which offers the completed and unified memoir on Hemingway’s early years in Paris. It is important to understand that Hemingway never completed the memoir and his fourth wife, Mary Hemingway, performed much of the editing and final touches. In contrast, the 2009 version is believed by most to be more accurate to Hemingway’s original manuscripts, but it does not offer a unified story. Even though these versions are very different from one another they both offer valuable insight on Hemingway as a person. Since A Moveable Feast was left unfinished,Show MoreRelatedA Moveable Feast By Ernest Hemingway863 Words  | 4 PagesErnest Hemingway was an exemplary writer who tragically took his own life July of 1961, 3 years before the publication of his last writing, a memoir titled A Moveable Feast in 1964. His memoir was published posthumously by his wife and widow, Mary Hemingway through editing his manuscripts and notes. His book is a collection of reflections of his experiences and observations in 1920’s Paris which he wrote 40 years later. In this writing he provides information such as cafe names and specific bookstoresRead More Ernest Hemingway and Fitzgerald on the Expatriate Experiance1402 Words  | 6 PagesHemingway and Fitzgerald on the Expatriate Experiance Youre an expatriate. Youve lost touch with the soil. You get precious. Fake European standards have ruined you. You drink yourself to death. You become obsessed with sex. You spend all your time talking, not working. You are an expatriate, see? (Sun Also Rises, 115)1 Paris in the 1920s was a place that seemed to embody dynamic artistic achievement. Many of the great artists of modernist movements were either there or had passedRead MoreAnalysis of The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas and A Moveable Feast1305 Words  | 5 Pagesauthor. The tendency to take liberty with the truth is often exacerbated when the author of such works has an affinity (or perhaps gift) for the written language, such as is the case with both Ernest Hemingway and Gertrude Stein, who produced fairly unconventional autobiographical works entitled A Moveable Feast and The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, respectively. The proclivity to glorify ones own actions and deeds in effect to make oneself appear cool is often an irresistible temptation, especiallyRead MoreEssay about Ernest Hemingway’s A Moveable Feast623 Words  | 3 PagesErnest Hemingway’s A Moveable Feast In Ernest Hemingway’s A Moveable Feast he tells the tale of his early career and life in Paris. He tells of his meetings with famous writers, poets, and the times that they had. He spoke especially of Scott Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein, and Ezra Pound. He did have a tendency to portray them a little bit unfairly. He was a little critical of them because of the fact that he shared so much time with them. Usually when people spend lots of time with each otherRead More Hemingway and Fitzgerald Essay1423 Words  | 6 PagesHemingway and Fitzgerald Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald, the parties of one of the most famously infamous relationships in literary history met for the first time in late April 1925 at The Dingo Bar, a Paris hangout for the bohemian set. In his novel A Moveable Feast (published posthumously) Hemingway describes his first impressions of Fitzgerald: â€Å"The first time I ever met Scott Fitzgerald a very strange thing happened. Many strange things happened with Scott, but thisRead MoreThe Largest Feast May Not Cure Hunger1465 Words  | 6 PagesThe Largest Feast May Not Cure Hunger Ernest Hemingway discusses the theme of hunger throughout A moveable feast by exploring and describing the different types of hunger that he felt. He aims to explore this theme in the passage where he strolls with Hadley, and they stop to eat at the restaurant Michaud’s. Through repetition and use of unconventional detail and word choice, Hemingway shows that he has more than one type of hunger, and needs to differentiate between them. Hemingway strives toRead MoreAn Analysis of Hemingway’s A Moveable Feast2139 Words  | 9 Pagesauthor from another; whether it be their use of dialogue, their complex descriptions, their syntax, or their tone. When reading an excerpt of Hemingway’s A Moveable Feast one could easily dissect the work, pick apart each significant moment from Hemingway’s life and analyze it in order to form their own idea of the author’s voice, of his identity. Ernest Hemingway’s writing immediately comes across as rather fami liar in one sense. His vocabulary is not all that complicated, his layout is rather straightforwardRead MoreA Clean Well Lighted Place Summary1203 Words  | 5 PagesPart I: The Lost Generation â€Å"The Lost Generation†Article Questions The authors included in the Lost Generation are, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, John Dos Passos, Sherwood Anderson, Kay Boyle, Hart Crane, Ford Maddox, and Zelda Fitzgerald. The common elements and themes that these authors pursued in their personal lives as well as their writing were brutal war experiences, their youthful and impractical actions such as love affairs and drinking, feeling lost and hopeless in societyRead MoreTaking a Look at Ernest Hemingway1167 Words  | 5 PagesErnest Hemingway Research Paper Ernest Hemingway was an extraordinary individual. There was a lot more to his life than most readers know about. His writing was influenced by the lifestyle that he led. Hemingway was an adventurous person that liked to live life to its fullest. Just like everyone, he made decisions that were both good and bad, and his decisions and actions shaped his writing style. Hemmingway found a great deal of success and his career was topped off with him being awarded theRead MoreArt And The Modern Era And Impact The 20th Century1522 Words  | 7 Pagesand Ernest Hemingway are those two names, which they don’t need to identification. They are well-known personality from lifetime works on their own respected fields. Pablo Picasso and Hemingway are most well-known in the 20th century and still popular in art and literature. Both artists created valuable paintings, stories and novels from their imagination and express beautifully that reader and viewer can inspired by them. That why t hey are always be our inspiration and idol. How did Ernest Hemingway
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Critical Literacy Free Essays
â€Å"Read the word to read the world. †(Freire) Being critically literate is not just about being able to understand words. It is about reading, listening, or hearing texts and coming up with your own thoughts on them. We will write a custom essay sample on Critical Literacy or any similar topic only for you Order Now Being able to discuss your thoughts between many different people using your life and knowledge as a baseline. Critically literate citizens challenge thoughts by advocating as well as being active in their government. An activist uses literacy to critically understand and challenge social and political power. Activist’s enjoy collaborating with other groups to change attitudes, policies, and laws. They use and interpret language to challenge and shape themselves and institutions. Illegal immigrant supporters are a good example of critical literacy. How you perceive what you read will enforce if you are on the pro- or anti- side of the debate. Asking a simple question about The United States jobs you will receive many different answers based on the knowledge and understanding of the particular person you are asking. Some activist’s believe that illegal immigrants help the economy by working for low costs. Others believe they take U. S jobs that citizens could benefit from regardless of wage. Using the knowledge they have obtained from news casters, articles, and other people they dissect the information to come up with their stance. Activist’s then are able to knowledgeably speak out about the changes they want to achieve. The Communists Manifesto, by Karl Marx, is a critically literate book that brings to light what Marx believes as class struggles and problems of capitalism. The book gives readers an understanding of Marx’s theories about society and politics. Bell Hooks, a feminist, feels that literacy is essential to the future of the feminist movement because the lack of reading, writing, and critical skills serves to exclude many women and men from feminist consciousness. Not only that, it excludes many from the political process and the labour market. (infed. org) Thomas Jefferson felt that â€Å"Information is the currency of democracy. †Cutting apart the information will give you a better sense of the government and your rights. Jefferson believed there was a correlation between literacy, citizenship and successful self-government. (Sparagana) When you are well-informed then you could be trusted with your own government. Using media outlets and websites people have the opportunity to critique news articles, get people to notice their problems, and ask government officials the questions they have. Do a search for a news outlet’s website and article after article will have a spot to post your opinion as well as question the writer’s point of view and the opinions of others who have posted. Having the internet easily accessible makes it even easier to keep tabs on the government. Having open options to ask or write your president or any other elected official questions from the information you have obtained will make it easier to have a discussion and either change their minds or have your own changed. Being able to critically look at the texts you are able to challenge government in a way to make your own voice heard. Critical literacy is important knowledge to have. Without it you would not be able to form your own opinions and not be able to understand the opinions of others. Having freedom of speech is a precious thing that we all should take advantage of. We are given a voice to to speak what we feel regarding every aspect of our lives. A critically literate citizen is necessary for a meaningful participation in society. Whether it is to have an in-depth discussion with your friends, writing and reading books, or watching a movie critical literacy brings meaning to your life. How to cite Critical Literacy, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Informatics and Financial the Operational Efficiency
Question: Discuss about the Informatics and Financial the Operational Efficiency. Answer: Introduction Nowadays, rapid changes have been taking place in the technology due to which businesses has also adopted automated systems for managing the acquired information that results in improving the operational efficiency of the companies. Companies gather information from different stakeholders in order to fulfill their needs and demands. Companies face difficulty in extracting relevant information from the available complex information due to different tools is used by them in order to cope with such problems. It is significant for the companies to effectively and efficiently manage its data for the purpose of taking appropriate decisions to achieve the goal of the business in a proper manner (PetkoviĆ¡ Jonker, 2007). In this context, the following sections provide information related to the issues faced by the retail industry related to data management. Along with this, it also emphasizes on the advantages and impact of different tools such as business intelligence on the busin ess operations in the retail industry. Digital Data and Business Emergence of rapid changes in the technology results in occurrence of many problems faced by businesses associated with data management. It is requisite for the companies to have full visibility of the changes taking place in the market trends in order to achieve competitive advantage over its competitors. Developments in technology such as cloud computing and automation of data entries provide opportunity to companies to record large scale data. The use of big data tool helps in making strategic decisions and results in evaluation and monitoring of the business strategies. Companies find difficulty in extracting relevant data from complex data management systems. Collection of the data related to products, customers and channels facilitates in growing the retail business. Retail companies are using big data for the purpose of transformation of the business (Narasimha,2016). Companies in the retail industry uses POS systems for analyzing and tracking the data related to customers but failed to analyze live data on consumers and products from various data sources. Companies find difficulty in providing personalized services or messages to its consumers due to existence of large volume. Along with this, companies also find difficulty in the effective management of the global supply chain due to their inefficiency in the analysis of the data in real time by the use of shipment notifications, RFID chips and sensors due to low speed. Existence of variability in the customer database due to presence of information related to preferences, purchase history location and demographics (Wedekind, Hrder Lehner, 2005). Figure 1:Business intelligence Data and Business Intelligence Business intelligence helps in building coordination among different supply chain partners in retail sector. Besides this, business intelligence tools help in providing adequate information to different supply chain partners due to which the risks can be properly shared among them. This also helps them to take right decisions at right time. Along with this, the use of business intelligence helps in providing POS information to suppliers by retailers which in turn help them to determine the level of inventory by scheduling their production. Another business intelligence tool used is continuous replenishment program, the delivery of products is done by supplier at mutually agreed interval (Sumathi Sivanandam, 2006). Business intelligence helps in aligning the business operations with the needs of the customers. This tool facilitates in designing effective marketing campaign aligned to specific customer needs. It also facilitates in improving the business activities by gathering and analyzing the information collected from various systems in different formats such as inventory, point of sale, financial and customer relationship management systems. This results in differentiating the products and services offered by the companies from its competitors. Business intelligence tool by the use of what if analysis feature, helps retail businesses to charge an optimal price and reduce its costs in order to increase its profitability. Along with this business intelligence tools helps in getting access to real time information which help the members of the organizations to make effective decisions. Along with this, it also integrates the information from different systems which improves the operational eff iciency of the businesses (Ranjan,2009). Figure 2:Profit margin of retail companies in Australia Conclusion It can be concluded that businesses in the retail industry faces different issues related to data management. Companies find difficulty in gathering real time data regarding customers due to which they fail to fulfill their expectations by providing personalized services and messages. Along with this, the other issue is that companies also find difficulty in extraction of the relevant information from the large volume of available information in less time. Along with this, companies also face difficulty in managing its supply chain as it is difficult for them to analyze live information provided by suppliers and customers. It can also be summarized that retail companies make a use of business intelligence tools which facilitates in establishing coordination and cooperation between different partners such as suppliers and customers. This in turn helps them to make right decisions and right time. It helps in sharing of the risks and information with suppliers so as to maintain adequate level of inventory. References Australian Government. (2011). Economic Structure and Performance of the Australian Retail Industry. Retrieved August 18, 2016, from Narasimha, K. (2016). Handbook of Research on Strategic Supply Chain Management in the Retail Industry. IGI Global. PetkoviĆ¡, M. Jonker, W. (2007). Security, Privacy, and Trust in Modern Data Management. Springer Science Business Media. Ranjan, J. (2009). Business Intelligence: Concepts, Components, Techniques And Benefits. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 9(1), pp. 60-70. Sumathi, S. Sivanandam, S. N. (2006). Introduction to Data Mining and Its Applications. Springer Science Business Media. Wedekind, H., Hrder, T. Lehner, W. (2005). Data Management in a Connected World: Essays Dedicated to Hartmut Wedekind on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday. Springer Science Business Media. Australian Government. (2011). Economic Structure and Performance of the Australian Retail Industry. Retrieved August 18, 2016, from
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Saturday, March 7, 2020
become President
On Tuesday, November 7, millions of Americans went to the polls to place their votes for our nations next president. Little did these men and women know that their votes would be so important in this election. The race between presidential candidates Albert Gore and George W. Bush has been the closest in decades, and one week after Election Day, the United States is still without a president-elect. As the nation keeps its eyes on the recounts in Florida to see who will earn the states 25 electoral votes, many Americans are still wondering how the Electoral College system works. Times like these remind us of the important role that the Electoral College plays in electing a President. Established by the founding fathers as a compromise between election of the president by Congress and election by popular vote, the Electoral College has played a pivotal role in presidential elections since its conception. Only once in our history, has a candidate won the popular vote and lost the election. This was in 1888 when Democratic candidate Grover Cleveland won the popular vote but lost the Electoral College vote by 65 votes to Benjamin Harrison. Perhaps we will see history repeat itself in the 2000 election. Today, a candidate must win 270 electoral votes, a majority, to become President. The candidate that receives a majority of the vote in any given state takes all of the States electoral votes. If no presidential candidate wins a majority of electoral votes, the 12th Amendment to the Constitution provides for the presidential election to be decided by the House of Representatives. The House would select the President by majority vote, choosing from the three candidates who received the greatest number of electoral votes. The vote would be taken by State, with each State delegation having one vote. This has only happened twice in American history, Thomas Jefferson's election in 1801 and John Quincy Adam'...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Regional human rights instruments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Regional human rights instruments - Essay Example They can, however, have an ethical consequence and offer guidance to States about their responsibilities2. In Asia, the association of the 10 states of South-east Asian Nations (ASEAN) has acknowledged a regional human rights system for South-East Asia. In 2007, State leaders signed an ASEAN agreement, come into power in 2008 following endorsement by all 10 member states. The Charter offers ASEAN a bureaucratic basis that ascertains an institutional arrangement and forbids policy of course. In 2009, the ASEAN inter legislative Commission on Human Rights occurred in the 15th ASEAN meeting. The ASEAN Commission in 2010 for the protection and Promotion of the Rights of Women as well as Children (ACWC) was also acknowledged3. In Europe, the local preparations for protecting human rights are extensive. They involve the European Union, the Council of Europe, and the Organization for Cooperation and security in Europe4. All these intergovernmental organizations have their own regional human rights instruments and mechanisms. ... all over the world have built up domestic law and constitutions that mirror elementary human rights values though there is major discrepancy among States in their advances6. The federal government in Peru goes into international treaties devoid of parliamentary consent. While it cannot necessitate the provinces to apply international human rights agreements in region falling in /territorial control, provincial, federal, and territorial governments usually share their human rights schedules and the federal government gets into treaties with provincial approval1. In Peru, a dualist approach is followed. This means that global human rights treaties must be included into local legislation to have impact in domestic courts. In general, global human rights agreements are not included into local legislation, posing a challenge to their implementation within the territories and provinces. Assessing Peru’s conformity with its treaty requirements and associated jurisprudence can be hard as there are two parts to consider: jurisprudence for normal legislation and jurisprudence for the constitution of Peru and the Peru Charter of Rights and basic Freedoms7. In the ordinary legislation, the courts have argued that judges should endeavor to interpret such laws according to relevant international requirements. If the express requirements of a domestic decree are dissimilar to or conflicting with Peru’s international requirements, the former overcomes. The judiciary is therefore not bound to apply the international human rights treaty requirements of Peru, even though they will be a pertinent and important factor in the courts' explanation of the Charter8. There can be vagueness among lawyers and judges about the connection between the international human rights treaties and the
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Leadership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Leadership - Research Paper Example The point stated in the second article is about emphasizing the detrimental impacts of organized criminals, hacktivists, industrial spies and foreign governments by which they take inappropriate advantage of a cyber environment. Concerning this, 25 associations and the Edison Electric Institute signed a letter to the House leadership voicing out their concerns on the associated principles and opportunities on the topic of cybersecurity and industry (Cyber Principles, 2012). Their voices have become crucial to Senate’s decision for passing legislation on the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. They also have remarkable point by simply trying to convince the Congress with appropriate information favoring on their part and that would meet the need of private economic sectors. This could then point to clear justification of the right legislation and appropriate response from the criminal justice sector. The third article involves discussion of some â€Å"tips for integ rating military intelligence and information for US military commanders as of early 2012†(Flynn & Flynn, 2012, p.4). There are ten points discussed in the article including construction of fusion cells, quality of leadership of military ranks and the synchronization of intelligence and information. ... The three articles provide information that at some point would pave the way for understanding how the criminal justice agencies address modern crimes associated with the advancement of technology or communications technologies. It is clear that many have changed how criminal groups operate from the past compared at present. Now, it is a challenge on the part of the criminal justice agencies to initiate effective and efficient move in order to cope with these various changes. According to Kotter (1998), leadership is about coping with change and it significantly complements with management that also tries to cope with complexity. By this, he does not exclude the idea that leadership in today’s modern world should also try to address faster technological change. Faster technological change based on the above summaries of three articles has become gateway to modern formation of various criminal acts. The chosen three articles could substantiate this point. The first article simp ly tries to expound the challenge of criminal justice agencies to fight prevailing problem associated with cyber sex and child sexual exploitation with the aid of internet. Aside from this, based on the second article, industry and business sectors are also in danger of shaking off their privacy and some potential economic harm that organized criminals, hackers, industrial spies and other modern criminal groups would throw in. In addition, modern terroristic groups have relied on up-to-date technologies. By this, the criminal justice system should also not rely on hopelessly outmoded technologies in generating intelligence and other related information linked with highly established criminal crime groups. Thus, the point of the authors in the third article
Monday, January 27, 2020
Dirt bikes usa
Dirt bikes usa Introduction The small company Dirt Bikes USA based out of Colorado is planning to look for more ways to grow in the economy of the motorcycle industry. They are skeptical and worried about expenses and how they are going to obtain information to provide a solution efficiently. Dirt Bikes USA will go through a transformation on running their business more efficiently. With my evaluations and help I will decide on what kind of internet tools and technology that will be most effective for the organization and its employees. I will be discussing intranet systems and two other tools for the internet that can be provided for the organization. I also intend on discussing the benefits in using wireless technology and the kind of impacts it will have on the organization. The tools that will be utilized will have benefits for the organization as well. The cost efficiency of wireless networks versus the cost of wired networks will also be discussed to give the organization an option of using a more cost ef fective system. This will reveal the pros of wireless networks and the cons of wired networks. Recommendations      I recently have just evaluated the organization of Dirt Bikes USA and have come up with recommendations on solving problems. While Dirt Bikes USA already offers their employees internet with desktop computers it would be helpful to establish a private network through using the organizations existing network infrastructure combined with connectivity standards of the internet and software made for the World Wide Web (WWW). Laudon and Laudon (2009), states that intranets are private networks created by the use of internet networking standards and web technology. With the use of intranets it is secure and private and has a firewall for protection, which helps prevent unauthorized users from accessing the network. WWW and intranet software technology are similar to each other. Intranet Benefits      While having access to information with the touch of a button can be very important in the marketing and sales department. There are many benefits received by the marketing and sales department using an intranet. These benefits are having access to the following: researching of competitors, information of products, reports on sales, and marketing analysis.      The human resource department can benefit extremely from the use of intranet because they could cutback on the usage of paper. The department could start uploading all of the company applications, company handbooks, company benefit package, and much more that will lead to saving the money normally spent on large amounts of paper.      The manufacturing and production department of the company will benefit from the use of intranet by keeping track of the schedules of production while helping maintain and coordinate production. They can keep track of all their inventory of parts in and out of stock through the intranet. If the organization were to upgrade the intranet to an extranet suppliers would know when parts are needed for the company and customers could place their orders to the suppliers if needed. Helpful Tools      Throughout my investigation I found that as a minimum there are two other tools for the internet that will be useful for the employees at Dirt Bikes. The first internet tool is a Voice over IP (VOIP) phone system. According to Laudon and Laudon (2009), with the use of a (VOIP) phone system it could help lower the companys cost of communications by 20 to 30 percent. A VOIP phone system is a popular platform for corporate networking and voice transmission. I would suggest having more than one telecommunications and computer service infrastructure to save on long distance phone calls and even get rid of private lines, but having one of each of the infrastructures is needed to offer tremendous savings for Dirt Bikes organization in communications.      Another tool for the organization would be the Apple iPad. With the iPad the organization can create formatted documents, spreadsheets with charts and formulas. The iPad also connects over Wi-Fi connection and 3G services so you can email photos to your clients and find out on the internet recent news on the competitors. Its a great tool to have around the shop instead of going back to your office to type an email you can type an email write in the power of your hands. Wireless Access      I believe that it is important for Dirt Bikes USA to install wireless networks, which would allow wireless internet access to the employees and also provide the company with the capabilities of having voice data communications. By having Dirt Bikes USA install wireless internet it will lead the organization in profit increase while also saving employees time. Besides voice communications, technology has grown where cell phones are now capable of sending information through instant messaging and e-mails. Cell phones are also now capable of searching or researching information on the WWW. The use of cell phones could help the outsiders of the organization with access to information from just about anywhere.      With the use of Bluetooth in the organization is another way of using wireless networks. A Bluetooth is a wireless device that allows wireless phones, printers, and computers to communicate with each other with the least amount of power needed to function. Having lower power to function would make a Bluetooth best used with handheld computers, personal data assistants, and cell phones. Wired Networks versus Wireless Networks      I believe for Dirt Bikes USA wireless networks are they way to go and they way of the future because an employee can have access to the internet from anywhere in the building, while wired networks limits you to a specific docking station or office. The only benefit of a wired network is that they work faster with larger files to upload and can tend to be more reliable than wireless networks. Wireless networks sometimes have problems with signal strength while wired networks do not unless a wire happens to become loosened. With the use of wireless networks it would be a fraction of the cost to have installed, compared to the wired networks because of all of the wires need to be ran throughout the building. The bottom line is that the use of a wireless network would be more cost effective for the organization. Conclusion Throughout my investigation I have determined and recommended many solutions to Dirt Bikes USA would benefit from. Using intranet systems in your organization would benefit the following departments: Manufacturing and production, human resources, and sales and marketing. In my determination I have also presented two more internet tools that if used would be valuable to the organization. The two internet tools that were presented are VPN and the Apple iPad. With the use of these tools it will be cost effective for the organization. I have also brought attention to wireless networks technology and the influence it will have on the organization. I compared the cost effective advantages of the use of wireless networks compared to wired networks to be considered by management. My analysis will help in saving the organization a lot of money, which in return will create higher profits for Dirt Bikes USA. References Laudon, Kenneth C., Lauden, Jane P. (2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.). Essentials of Management Information Systems (8th ed).,: Prentice Hall.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Reach Out and Touch †Maxine Tynes Essay
1. Each woman on the bus reacts to the child’s actions differently. The narrator reacts by smiling at the children because she knows that this is neither the first nor the last time this will happen, while the mother of the children reacts by slapping their hands to make them stop touching the woman. 2. A theme statement expressing my interpretation of the main idea in this poem would be: Children are those who don’t understand the differences between people and in order to accept them, they not only have to see, but also â€Å"to reach out and touch†. An example supporting my statement is â€Å"and touch the curly electric of my hair your fingers dipped in the brown skin magic of my neck to see if it comes off†. Look more: first poem for you essay 3. The tone and mood of the poem are mysterious at the beginning when it is not clear what is really going on, but kind of uncomfortable at the end when the reader identifies what the children had done and how they have made their mother feel embarrassed from their actions. Maxine Tynes uses imagery, comparison and connotation (â€Å"dipped in the brown skin magic†) to convey this mood and tone. 4. Irony surrounds the â€Å"motherlove†in this poem because a mother’s love means to caress her children with love and affection instead of teaching them morals especially in public places. However, in the poem the mother slaps her kids when she sees them touching the black woman.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Gangs & sub-cultural theories Essay
A gang is a group of individuals that have a common identity and works towards a common goal. The current usage of the term implies a criminal group. Its early usage was to refer to a faction of workmen. In the United Kingdom the term is still used to refer to workmen, but it has undergone semantic change. The term is one that carries a negative meaning; nevertheless, within a group that identifies itself with antagonism to social norms, associates of the gang might decide to use the term as a declaration of identity or rebelliousness. There are a lot of reports of criminal actions committed by gangs throughout the world. There are parts of the world and societies where gang activities are so prevalent causing major problems to different countries. There are cases of documented gangs and gang members in criminology literature. Some of these gangs are well known, not only by the law enforcers, but also by the members of the society. Gang formation is a concept that has been in place since the 13th century. During this time, it is said that children from poor families and the orphans in the United Kingdom obtained their means of survival through becoming members of gangs that were managed by adult crime perpetrators (Allen, 2005). These gangs were basically involved in pick pocketing. Gangs identify themselves by the use of distinct signs, symbols and names. They are known to cause harm, threaten, harass and intimidate other members of the society. Gang violence is a term that is used to refer to criminal activities that are perpetrated by gangs. Throughout history, such activities have been known to be perpetrated by gang members. There is a time in history when all the major cities around the world were haunted by gangs. During this time gang violence became prevalent all over the world. Contemporary gangs have introduced fresh kinds of violence. These acts are in most cases used as rite of passage for those wishing to become part of the group (Allen, 2005). There have been a lot of theories developed to explain the causes of gangs and gang violence. Some of the theories are similar while other others are different in explaining gang formation and crime in the society. These theories are very important in understanding why some people are more prone to crime then others and why some people are more likely to join gangs than others. Two of the most common theories on crime include the strain theory and the sub-cultural theory (Akers, 2000). The main similarity between the two theories is that they both describe gang formation from a social point of view. They are however different in a number of ways, one of them being the fact that their focus is on different elements of the society (Allen, 2005). This paper compares and contrasts strain and sub-cultural theories in explaining gangs and gang violence. The paper first discusses the meaning and background information of the two theories. The Strain theory The strain theory holds that the social structures that are within a society may be contributing factors to some individuals becoming members of a gang and being involved in crime. Strain refers to the elements in the society or in a person that leads to committing of crime. There are two kinds of strain: structural or individual. Structural is the processes within the culture that filter down and control individual’s perceptions of their needs. For example, a state of inadequacy in social structures and regulations can lead to transformation in the way a person perceives his or her needs. Individual perceptions to the means and opportunities can also be transformed (Akers, 2000). This is what causes people perpetrate crime either as individuals or in a gang. From the individual viewpoint, it refers to the pressures and afflictions that a person suffers as he or she searches for ways and means to cater for his or her requirements. This means that the objectives of the society becomes very important to a person such that their achievement becomes more important that the ways of achieving them (Cohen, 1965). People live in a society that is full of requirements and expectations. Where individuals cannot access their needs through the conventional legitimate ways, they tend to use the unconventional ways. Where individuals are in a society where they cannot access their needs normally with the use of the conventional legitimate needs, they tend to become disappointed. This feeling of despair that is associated with the incapability to acquire the requirements is the one that is being referred to as strain. It is this feeling that causes people who are unable to acquire their needs to be involved in crime (Akers, 2000). In many instances, young people will be able to access the unconventional or illegitimate means through becoming members of gangs. This reveals the fact that gangs are as a result of strains that act upon individuals in striving to achieve expectation. In a gang, young people tend to get what they were unable to get in living within the social norms. They find company, finances and most of all the means to acquire what they desire. The theory explains how social elements like poverty, homelessness, and lack of proper parental care can lead to formation of delinquent activities and groups (Cohen, 1965). Sub-cultural theory The sub-cultural theory as used in criminology originated from the efforts of the Chicago School on gangs. This theory was then advanced via the symbolic interactionism school. The theory was advanced into a series of premises that put forward the argument that some factions or sub-cultures in the community have some principles and approaches that are favourable for crime and aggression. This supports the argument that crime is dominant in some cultures or societies than others. This theory focuses on crime committed by young people, mostly in gangs. It is argued that when crime is not controlled from this level, it moves on to adolescent and finally to adulthood (Akers, 2000). Gangs that are formed at the early age in life, tend to graduate to maturity, and continue recruiting the youths. The theory states that if the patterns of crime can be comprehended and controlled from the level of juvenile delinquency, it would be possible to prevent the move to teenage offender and also to adult criminals. It is believed that where the sub-culture is favourable for crime, it begins from an early age, graduating to adolescent and ultimately to adulthood (Miller, 1959). Culture stands for the traditions, ways of life and principles that act as the guide to personality. It is also from these aspects that personality is judged by people. Passage of culture is essentially through social rather than biological ways. This is where the values and principles within a society are transmitted from one generation to the following. A sub-culture is a culture that exists within the larger culture. This culture consist of distinct elements of values, norms and customs that are different from the larger culture but does not essentially stand for a culture considered non-standard by many people. A sub-culture is distinguished from the larger culture for opposition that acts against the larger culture. This offers the explanation why in some parts of a society, especially the poorest regions, there are some kinds of behaviour that have developed into a standard and tend to be passed from one generation to the next. Successful crime perpetrators tend to be role models to the others, revealing likelihood success through criminal activities and its normality. This is where the older members of gangs tend to influence youths into their activities. The cultural arrangement is directed by many principles, traditions, and standards that force people to establish gangs that have unique characters. The sub-cultures that are developed tend to be more diverse than the main stream culture (Miller, 1959). Similarities between the two theories in explaining gangs The two theories take a social perspective in explaining gang formation and gang violence. They both offer the claim that gangs are as a result of the kind of society within which people live. Despite the fact that the two theories describe different ways that the society contributes to gangs, the two argue that society is the main causative element to gang formation and gang violence. In strain theory, people become members of gangs and commit gang violence as a result of residing in a society where their needs are not able to be met. It is as a result of the social class where a person exists that determines the kind of behaviour that he or she exhibits. In the United Kingdom, individuals are always in pursuit of wealth property, power, education, and other things that ensure a comfortable life (Akers, 2000). It is due to their living conditions that the lower class is not in a position to meet these needs adequately. They are not in a position to acquire these needs in conventional legal means. This according to the strain theory is what leads people to join gangs where there opportunities to acquire their needs. Sub-cultural theory explains that it is in a society that is predisposed to crime that people are influenced to join gangs. In a sub-culture where crime is condoned and pardoned, there tends to be many gangs. The young people tend to be influenced by the older members of gangs. In fact, the older members act as role models to the youths. It is therefore evident from the two theories that the society plays the central role in gang formation and consequently to the gang violence. The two theories introduce blocked-goals as the producing factors of deviant characteristics, like gang formation (Shaw, 1930). The strain theory in explaining violence is described similarly to functionalist theory under sub-cultural theories. Functionalist holds that gangs are motivated by financial requirements. This is the same case with the strain theory that holds that financial requirements lead people to commit crime. The functionalist theory states that adolescents are motivated by material gain to be involved in gangs. From this point of view, the sub-cultural theory becomes similar to the strain theory in explaining crime. Here the motivating factor to crime under the two theories is the acquisition of material gain in a society where this is not possible through conventional legitimate needs. Where youths are faced with situations where they are not in a position to fulfil their requirements due to the elements in the society that leads to inadequacy, they tend to join others who share their predicaments. These groups, the gangs, operate in unison, sharing the same identity and motivated by a common goal, which is achievement of their needs. This leads to the fact that the end results of the two theories are similar (Shaw, 1930). The end results of gangs and gang violence as explained by the two theories are similar. The strain theory presents the claim that individuals are influenced by the need to obtain their requirements in an inadequate social environment. This is what leads them to use of illegitimate means. The end result of the act is acquisition of finances or property through illegitimate means. As per the sub-cultural theory, the basic values of a group are what cause a person to be involved in crime. Given situations where the children in the working class cannot to achieve academically as a result of social or cultural factors, they tend to feel that it is impossible to obtain anything through conventional means (Akers, 2000). Such children gather themselves in groups or gangs of people that share their predicaments. They involve themselves in crime and gang violence means to acquire wealth and property. The end result of the action is acquisition of finances or property through illegitimate means. This reveals the fact that the result of gangs as explained by the two theories is acquisition of finances and property. The two theories reveal means to the same end (Akers, 2000). The society has put a lot of pressure on people to attain high achievement and success. Competition and the need for success is one value that is glorified in the society. This means that as per the two theories there are forces and pressures that lead to gang formation and involvement. These are the forces and pressures that lead people to strive to achieve and become powerful, without caring about the means for doing so. The legitimate means may be difficult to acquire, making the illegitimate means more preferable. According to the sub-cultural theory, the forces are the structural constraints. The individuals who join gangs are people who feel completely powerless. They are pushed by the society and end up defying the rules and regulations. The forces as per the sub-cultural theory push people to act as per the society’s expectations (Akers, 2000). According to the strain theory, the forces that act on individuals are the strains. Individuals tend to be involved in gang activities where they are not in a position to cope with the strains. There are series of events and circumstances that hamper individuals from attaining their expectations. This could be major or minor state of affairs and circumstances that upsurge and discourage with time. Dissatisfaction causes displeasure, abhorrence and annoyance. All these are attitudes connected with strain in gang formation. It is a normal human nature to develop feeling of desperation and frustration where they are not in a position to get what they want (Shaw, 1930). Differences between the two theories in explaining gangs Despite the fact that the two theories agree on the fact that the social environment is responsible for causing gang formation, the ways in which the society is responsible tend to differ. The strain theory emphasises on strain and stressing forces of gang formation. The sub-cultural theory on the other hand emphasises on factions as the causing factors of gang formation. The strain theory states that individuals will be forced to join gangs where they are not in a position to gather financial success through legitimate ways. The sub-cultural theory claims that people are pushed into gangs where they belong to sub-cultures that excuse, justify or approve of gangs. Societies that excuses and tolerates acts of violence and stealing, tend to produce more gangs than others (Miller, 1959). The two theories differ in their explanation of the primary cause of gang formation. While the strain theory presents the argument that gang formation is motivated by financial success, the sub-cultural theory argues that gangs are not motivated by money success as the strain theory suggests, but by the pressure of all the dominant values in the society. The adolescent tend to develop what Merton refers to â€Å"social status frustration,†where they are not able to achieve academically. This is what convinces them that they are not capable of gaining anything through conventional means. In this case, their motivating factor is not primarily financial success. They end up in gangs through this conviction, although the ultimate goal is financial success. The difference in the two theories comes up in the motivating factors to gang formation and involvement. As per the strain theory the key motivation is money success, while for the sub-cultural theory the key motivation factor is the failure to succeed through legitimate means in a society that is prone to crime (Shaw, 1930). There is a difference in the nature of the environment as explained by the two theories. However, this does not nullify the fact that the social environment is what basically explains crime and gangs. In the sub-cultural theory, the social environment is one where there is prevalence of crime that is passed from one generation to the following. This means that the theory explains a society where crime is almost a norm. This kind of social environment is not revealed in the strain theory. According to the sub-cultural theory, in most cases, the society has already established illegitimate opportunity structure. The younger members of gangs learn criminal actions from the older members. This is what it basically referred to as learning the ‘tricks of the trade’ (Akers, 2000). The sub-culture makes it clear to the youths that crime is a norm. As per the strain theory, the social environment is one where are goals that need to be achieved. Individuals in this kind of environment are aware of the objectives and how it is crucial to achieve them. There are however some individuals in this environment who lacks the means to attain the social expectations. For the serious need to realize these expectations and the importance of achieving them, some people result to gang involvement. From this perspective, gangs are formed by the society through creation of expectations without availing the means to achieve them (Shaw, 1930). The social environments in which gangs are formed are different for the two theories. While sub-cultural revealed the argument that gangs can be formed in a negative social environment that is already prone to crime, the strain theory presents the crime that gangs can either be formed in a positive or negative social environment. The argument according to the strain theory is that individual’s real expectations or the expected failure to attain positive values set up by the society, real or elimination of positive incentive, and real or expected presentation of negatively valued incentive all cause strain. In a positive social environment, individuals turn to gangs where they are not in a position to live up to the standards set up by the society. Where individuals are not treated in the way they expect, they loose trust with the ability of others to help them meet their expectations. Frustration and dissatisfaction establish negative interactions. This is so because of the desire to keep off hostile rejections. This is what leads to people finding those of their kind; people who are in a position to help them create a sense of belonging and acceptance. This kind of environment is achieved through membership to gangs. Gangs are basically constituted by people who feel that the society is not supportive. The sub-cultural theory operates from the conflicting side. This kind of society is one that does not expect anything positive from its people. The reason for this is that the society is already predisposed to crime. This reveals that unlike the strain theory, this theory operates solely from a negative environment (Miller, 1959). There is another contradiction under the two theories, where in the sub-cultural theory gangs are a way of living up to the social expectations of roughness and smartness, while under the other theory gangs are established due to the inability to live up to social expectations. It is expected under the sub-cultural theory for individuals in the lower class to be involved in gang violence. This is indirectly by the need from the society to be tough and street-wise. This is what motivates then to join groups, begin getting involved in criminal activities, and find fun in defying the regulations of the land. From the strain theory perspective, failure to live up to the expectations of the society is what forces individuals into gangs and gang violence. Every society has set up expectations that its members are supposed to live up to. Where people lack the means to achieve these expectations they tend to become members of groups that help them in attaining them. Failure to reach the expectations may also make some to defy against the law as a way of revealing or dealing with their frustration (Shaw, 1930). Strengths and weaknesses of the theories The two theories are good resources in explaining gangs, but this can be best illustrated through the sub-cultural theory. Thrasher (1927) defines gang through the process that they undertake in formation of groups. â€Å"The gang is an interstitial group originally formed spontaneously, and then integrated through conflict. It is characterized by the following types of behavior: meeting face to face, milling, movement through space as a unit, conflict, and planning. The result of this collective behavior is the development of tradition, unreflective internal structure, esprit de corps, solidarity, morale, group awareness, and attachment to a local territory†(Thrasher, 1927, p. 46). The theory explains the fact that gangs originate from a very early age, through formation of play groups. The groups begin getting involved in simple mischief. They culminate into gangs when they begin to excite themselves with disproval and misbehavior. This is where they begin developing a clear-cut group-consciousness. The social environment encourages gang crimes because of the fact that it is already predisposed to crime. Thrasher gives a description of the way the society can be favorable to delinquent behavior. He claims that gang sub-cultures came up from cracks or interstices of neglect in the teenage years. The argument of Thrasher is supported by Shaw (1930), through the claim that gang acts are passed by older boys to the younger ones. Such gangs are found in areas with high rate of single-parent homes, joblessness and low education. These are the areas of ghettos, and slums. The theories explain the reasons why gangs tend to be more in the lower class than in the middle class. The theory that is preferable here is the sub-cultural theory. This is apparent in the arguments of Miller (1959), who supports the arguments of Cohen. Miller supports the fact that delinquency is a sub-culture, but one that is found within the lower class. There is a clear-cut division between the lower and the middle class. The two classes stand for different traditions and principles. The middle class tend focus on accomplishment and social goals. The other class focuses on the need of their children to stay out is trouble. This class expects their children to be rough and street-wise. This becomes the motivation behind establishing and joining gang groups. Considering the fact that their lives tend to be boring for lack of exciting social activities, they tend to embrace crime as an exciting social activity. This is what makes them start to engage in unlawful activities. They get a sense of freedom by going against the social system that is established by the society. For the lower class, there is another practice that plays a major responsibility in their social life. This institution is same-sex peer groups. To them, this institution is more significant than any other in the society. This is because of the social belonging that it renders. It is from these groups that they are in a position to gain status, one thing they cannot access in the conventional society. They develop a unique identity and work towards a particular goal (Miller, 1959). Despite the fact that the two theories are significant in explaining the reasons behind the formation of gangs, they do not reveal the origins of the motivating factors and forces, which would be helpful in defining possible solutions. This is a weakness revealed by the two theories. This reveals the fact that the explanation of the two theories is incomplete. Up to the point where the strain theory is explained by Akers (2000), there are only kinds of the strains that are discussed and nothing is discussed about their sources. The frictions of situations are only revealed as hindering the attainment or expectations. There is no discussion about where they come from. Even in the sub-cultural theory, there is no much discussion on the structural constraints that are shown to be the forces behind delinquency. The theories fail in finding out the solutions to the problem. The theories can only be used in describing the source of the problem and not the effects and solution to the problem (Akers, 2000). Conclusion This paper compares and contrasts strain and sub-cultural theories explain gangs and gang violence. These two are very crucial in criminology for offering an insight as to the causes of crime in the society. The two have some common as well as different aspects in explaining gang formation and gang-related crimes. The two explain the causes of crime from social perspective and reveal similar end results, which is crime for attainment of wealth and property. The theories reveal strong forces that lead people to committing crime. The two forces are structural constraints for the sub-cultural theory and strains for the strain theory. These are some of the similarities but there are a number of differences between the two. The focus of the two is on varying elements of the social environment. The two also give varying accounts of the reasons why the society leads to crime. The theories are a crucial way of explaining gangs are formed in the society. This is achieved by describing their causes. There is need for further studies to come up with solutions to this problem. (Word count=4,065) References: Shaw, C. (1930). The Jackroller: A Delinquent Boy’s Own Story. Reprint edition: 1966. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Miller, W. (1959). â€Å"Implications of Urban Lower-Class Culture for Social Work. †The Social Service Review. Vol. 33, 219-236. Cohen, A. (1965). â€Å"The Sociology of the Deviant Act: Anomie Theory and Beyond,†American Sociological Review 30: 5-14. Akers, R. (2000). Criminological Theories: Introduction, Evaluation, and Application. Los Angeles: Roxbury. Allen, M. (2005). Textbook on Criminal Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Thrasher, F. M. (1927). The Gang. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Samuel Little - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2244 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/06/26 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Serial Killer Essay Did you like this example? Why would someone want to kill as many as ninety people and want credit for doing it? According to this serial killer remembers almost every detail about his crimes because of the sexual gratification he gets from by remembering the state, the date, and the year it happened. Since this serial killer could remember his crimes decades after he committed them it sounds like he wants all the credit he can get, while he is still alive. He wants to see his name up in the lights as Americas worst serial killer. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Samuel Little" essay for you Create order If someone wants to see themselves in the record books with the most amount of murders, then we would have to start from the beginning, so you know how he got to where he is now. He was someone who grew up in and around crime, not to mention was born in a jailhouse as well. Criminals tend to think what they do, and committing crime is something they feel like they were born to do. This life for this serial killer started shortly doing crime before he even reached high school. Before I get to his high school years, I would like to tell you how this person got to where he is now. In an article on the New York Times, written by Timothy Williams, gave a quote on his mother describing her A lady of the night because his mother would find anyway possible to support him, when she wasnt in jail. For his mother to be supportive by any means possible she had to take some risks, which meant that she would possibly being away from her kids because she might be spending time in jail. And this is where this serial killer was born in a jailhouse where his mother was staying after committing some crimes, that are never listed, but shortly after his birth his grandmother took him and gave him a house that he could be in and food to put on the table. To this serial killer his grandmother was someone who showed him support and told him the difference between the right and the wrong, but she never really showed much support for him in school or in anything he really did because he was always in trouble and it kept getting worse every time he got into trouble. This serial killer was described as an early troublemaker, where he had hard time doing anything that involved school work, and never really was focused on keeping himself out of trouble. Shortly, after starting his high school career he dropped out and became very susceptible to crime, which is known as individual vulnerability model not only because he was born in cell but also because crime was all around him when he was growing up. In an article done by Abby Rodgers on Business Insiders, said that there is an abnormality that develops during puberty and this typically happens to men because they display some homicidal things. This abnormality is called chromosomal abnormal ity, that starts when a person, like this serial killer, feels that they arent part of world and they feel like they are on their own and against everyone else. As this serial killer developed the abnormality of the thinking that everyone is against them, the killer I have been describing is a seventy-eight-year-old and a former boxer who just confessed to ninety murders in what he thought was an exchange for a nicer cell where he could finish living out his life in prison, out in California. Some of the murders he has confessed to fit the description of what investigators found at the crime scene. Most of the murders he has described have been fitting everything that the police have found. This serial killer goes by the name of Samuel Little, who has been sitting in a Texas jail since 2012 where the police linked him to a couple of unsolved murders that happened Odessa Texas, just east of the New Mexico border. While Sam has been sitting in the Odessa jail in Texas, he started making statements to a person that gained his trust by not only seeing him a couple times out of the month but also getting to know him on a personal level. This organization that this friend of Sams was from the Texas Rangers, not the major league baseball team, but a part of the public safety coalition, and according to, which describes them as one of the largest divisions in the Texas Safety Department, and there responsibility is to deal with serial crime investigations that arent going anywhere and it becomes a cold case. A cold case is when all the leads that the police where given fall through roof and it leads to know where. This is the case that the Texas Rangers took over when Sam started talking about everything that happened in the last forty years. When Sam started talking and going through everything about the murders that happened other organizations like the FBI and other state agencies s tarted lining up to interview him, so they could solve the different murders in their state. Not only did state and federal agencies start lining but also did newspapers because they wanted to know how Sam kept quiet about all the murders that Sam was talking about. With the different agencies and newspapers lining up to ask about other cold murder cases that Sam has been describing, it begs the question how a former boxer how a serial killer would, like Sam, get away with murdering so many people. Not to mention why is Sam talking and how was he able to keep quiet about killing so many people for nearly forty years later? Sam thought that if he started talking now then he could move jail cells, from Texas to a California prison where he would finish up his life in prison. His other thought of talking now is because he wants to see his name in the history books as being the worst serial killer in history, but also because his health is causing him to die faster than what some people have thought. Now that Sam has finally started talking after four decades, he has gone into detail about how he got his next victims by describing the places that he rested to but also the states where he murdered someone. But the thing he keeps bringing up is where he would sit and wait for his next victim. But in order for Sam to talk about how he got his next victims to do what he wanted and to become Americas worst serial killer they needed him to talk everything that has happened from his first murder to the last murder he did before getting caught. So when Sam got the deal he wanted which was for him go to get out of the Texas jail and to a California jail where he will spend the rest of his life and for the deal to actually work for both sides hed start with how everything went down from getting the victim to do what he wanted to what he did with the body. And to the delight of both sides Sam took the bait to switch jails and to the surprise he started saying everything. But for the agents to listen to every single word they sent in a recorder with the Texas Ranger so they could make sure they got everything that was said. But the most important piece that the agents from the local, state, and national agents got was how he got to the victim and what he did with the bodies when he finished killing them. What the agents from every state were wanting to know from the tapes was where the victims lay and he in the tapes would describe himself as always on the move. But he also described what the place looked like on where he would sit which was always next to a poverty-stricken area because people were desperate for whatever they were after. When Sam would wait for his next victim he would lay out a dumping place so when he would kill he knew where he could take the body without anybody knowing what happened to them. When Sam would find the next dumping place he would also find ways to get rid of any evidence that would come up when he would kill that person, and with each person he killed the authorities could not get anything from the scene because of how well the crime was thought out. As Sam would think out on how to kill his next victim he would get into a state of mind of how he would strangle his next victim, and to him describing how everything went down would give gratification because to him he taking out that person made him feel like he was getting out of trouble. With every victim that Sam killed, he was thinking that he could get away with because he made sure that either the victim had no evidence or that he left nothing behind so that there was nothing for the police to get in order to charge him with killing that person. As Sam went through his story about each victim he strangled he went through the eight different states that ranged from Florida all to California, and all the different names that Sam can name have been proven true. Some of the names that Sam is giving out have not been found since 1970 because there was nothing there for the police to gather from the scene, which gave way for Sam to start talking which makes him feel like he is the biggest thing. As Sam keeps talking and the bigger he feels the better is for federal agents to find more bodies that Sam could have killed and it gives family of the victims a source of relief knowing that their bodies might be found sooner than what the families thought. When Sam would tell them about where the bodies are and how he went through it, the agents felt like that Sam had no remorse for what he did and how he did it because he went through every single step about so smoothly that when the some of the bodies were found he didnt really care because to Sam those bodies were known as enemies to him because he felt like they got in his way of doing what he wanted to do. As Sam would get rid of his last enemy he would be already moving out of that state and be looking for his next state where he would be able to find his next victim and do everything all over again. The sense of killing someone to Sam and getting rid of the body was Sams way of out smarting the agents because for every murder that Sam did, it would be different than the last one. Every time Sam would out smart the agents by displacing their bodies in a different, he would be thinking that what done is done and there is nothing that can be done to fix what has happened. But eventually Sam would mess would up by leaving something behind that never related to the case or to the body that they found, but it always meant something. When federal agents found the bodies that Sam described everything he said from the way he killed the person, to where the body was located all checked and was spot on with what Sam was telling the federal agents. The thing that surprised the agents was how wel l he could recall everything from the crime because it had happened so long ago and his health was failing him as well. The only thing that Sam could not remember was the time of death of the victim that he had killed although he could remember the exact spot where the victim was staying at. Every time Sam would recall the places, and how he killed that person, he wanted to let people know that he what he was going to live out his final life as one of Americas worst serial killer. Since Sam wants people to know about all murders that he has committed and that hes on his last leg because of heart disease, but I also think that he wants to be known as the worst killer in American history so to him it feels like he has left his mark on the world. His mark on American soil would be for him, to be known as the worst serial killer that wasnt caught until there was nothing left of the crime. But for many the feeling of having Sam being caught and in jail for other murders that he has done isnt enough because some families havent found the loved ones yet because of how well Sam hide their bodies after he killed them, but also because the agents involved want to find each and every person that Sam has killed in the last forty years. For each agent that is working on this case and the more Sam keeps bragging about the murders he has done the better chance that the families that lost someone can be found and possibly bring the family to closure knowing that their loved one has been brought to them.
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